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2021 "Guardian Angels" Bracelets™

Your Price: Starting at $100.00
Azozeo Super-Activated

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Guardian Angels 2021 Bracelets
Available in 6mm, 8mm or 10mm beads on a comfortable elastic band

Each Bracelet is personally programmed by Robert Simmons for the highest good of the wearer. These Limited Edition Bracelets each comes with a signed and numbered Information/Guarantee Card.

     "Beginning in 2012, humanity is entering a nine-year period of Grace, leading to Planetary Ascension in 2021. The 2021 Limited Edition Bracelets are designed to facilitate this process for those who wear them.
   The Guardian Angel 2021 Bracelet is made from pure Guardianite, a powerful gemstone composed of Aegirine, Feldspar, Nepheline, Analcime, Riebeckite-Arfvedsonite, Biotite, Olivine and Apatite. Each of these minrals acts as the embodied form of an angelic being dedicated to the protection, empowerment and spiritual evolution of human beings. The effects of the Guardian Angels Bracelet can include purification of the auric field, profounding grounding of spiritual energies in and through one’s body, dissolving of negative attachments and protection from all negative influences. These are essential aspects which must be integrated in order for one to be capable of Vibrational Ascension. This bracelet facilitates a profound connection with the Earth, allowing one draw the nourishing energies offered by the Earth, and to ground Light in the Earth for Planetary Ascension
."  —RS

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