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Amethyst & Quartz Natural Crystal Flower (1.6" x 1.9")

Your Price: $120.00
Item Number: 60142
Amethyst & Quartz Natural Crystal "Flower"
Measures 1.6" x 1.9" x .6" and weighs 22.6 grams

“In attuning to the energies of the Amethyst and Quartz Crystal Flowers, I was amazed at how powerfully they resonated in the heart and the brain. Their energies filled the center of my chest with very sweet currents that brought serenity and a feeling of being emotionally uplifted. There was a sense of quiet joy, spreading like a liquid through the body. At the same time, the sweet currents in the heart spread upward, filling the inside of my head with high vibrations carrying an emotional tone of love. Next I noticed that the vibrations in the heart and the brain had united into a single resonating field, filling me with love, awe and wonder. I suddenly understood why I had been so powerfully attracted to these unusual crystals! Amethyst and Quartz Crystal Flowers stimulate one’s Divine Connection, allowing to to open more easily to the ocean of love that is always around us.”   —Robert Simmons

Click Here to read about Amethyst in The Pocket Book of Stones

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