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Bath Stones: Azozeo Azeztulite™

Your Price: $100.00
Item Number: AZA136

Pictured is an example, (Each bag contains approximatly 1.5 lbs of natural stones)

These bags contain several types of Azozeo Super-Activated Azeztulites, powerful enough to charge your whole bath with high vibrations and Divine Light energies!

“Bathing with Azozeo Super-Activated Azeztulites creates an energetic infusion that fills one’s entire Liquid Crystal Body Matrix with the highest vibrations. The interface between the charged water and one’s body can often be experienced as a tingling sensation, which I sense as activation of the Body of Light. I highly recommend these stones for anyone seeking to embody the highest possible vibrational frequencies. They can also be used to charge other stones placed in the water with them.”  —Robert Simmons

NOTE: Although our Bath Stones are put together with our best stone combinations and a fully positive intention, the effects of stone energies vary from person to person, are not scientifically validated, and we cannot promise any specific results.

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