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Azozeo™ World Labyrinth: Himalaya Gold Azeztulite™

Your Price: Starting at $60.00

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Azozeo World Labyrinth: Himalaya Gold Azeztulite
Natural Raw Stones from the Original Azeztulite Labyrinth

Picture is an example, (stones sold individually) shapes and color will vary

“This notice is a call to Light Workers everywhere to claim one or more of the Labyrinth stones and to work on the inner level with the Azez, and with the entire assembly of Azozeo Labyrinth Stones all over the Earth. We invite you to encourage the Nameless Light of Azozeo to penetrate and permeate all of the Quartz in the Earth, bringing it to its highest possible vibration, in unity with the vibrational Ascension of the Earth, Humanity, and all beings. Even as I write these words, I am moved in my heart by the beautiful potential we have the opportunity to help bring into manifestation.”  --Robert Simmons

Click Here to read more about The Azozeo World Labyrinth

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