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Bath Stones: Ascension

Your Price: $100.00
Item Number: BAS02

ASCENSION  Bath Stones

Each bag contains approximately 1.5 lbs of the following stones:
Clear Quartz
White Azeztulite*
Satyaloka Clear Azeztulite*
Sauralite Azeztulite*
Honey & Cream Azeztulite*

*Azozeo Super-Activated Stone!

“This group of stones could just about boil your bathwater! All of them are highly elevating, resonating with the third eye, crown chakra and the etheric chakras above the head. Their vibrations are very high-frequency­—something caused , in my view, by the amplifying synergy of their energies. Vibrational Ascension is a quantum shift of one’s overall level of activation, and is destined to happen soon on Earth. These stones carry that energy.”  —Robert Simmons.

NOTE: Although our Bath Stones are put together with our best stone combinations and a fully positive intention, the effects of stone energies vary from person to person, are not scientifically validated, and we cannot promise any specific results.

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