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Metaphysical Properties: Healerite a stone of profound healing energy, working on multiple levels to restructure misaligned chakras, meridians, and systems in the organic and etheric bodies, bringing a great beneficial infusion of  subtle matter-energy. Healerite’s currents move into the body quite readily at any point, carrying emanations of well-being to body and soul. This stone resonates strongly with the heart, solar plexus and third eye chakras, facilitating an elevation and alignment of the vibratory qualities of these three chakras and one’s entire vibrational field.  

Displaying products 1 - 30 of 42 results
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Healerite Ring (Oval 8x6mm Gemstone)
Your Price: Starting at $54.00
Healerite  Ring (Oval  8x6mm Gemstone)
Healerite Ring (Oval 10x8mm Gemstone)
Your Price: Starting at $60.00
Healerite  Ring (Oval 10x8mm Gemstone)
Healerite Ring (Oval 10x8mm Gemstone)`
Your Price: Starting at $84.00
Healerite  Ring (Oval 10x8mm Gemstone)`
Healerite Ring (Oval 14x10mm Gemstone)
Your Price: Starting at $90.00
Healerite  Ring (Oval 14x10mm Gemstone)
Healerite Ring (Oval 18x13mm Gemstone)
Your Price: Starting at $122.00
Healerite  Ring (Oval 18x13mm Gemstone)
Healerite Ring (Oval 8x6mm Gemstone)
Your Price: Starting at $64.00
Healerite  Ring (Oval 8x6mm Gemstone)
Healerite Ring (Oval 8x6mm Gemstone)`
Your Price: Starting at $64.00
Healerite  Ring (Oval 8x6mm Gemstone)`
Healerite Ring (Round 8mm Gemstone)
Your Price: Starting at $72.00
Healerite  Ring (Round 8mm Gemstone)
Healerite Earrings (Oval 8x6mm Gemstones)
Your Price: Starting at $54.00
Healerite Earrings (Oval  8x6mm Gemstones)
Healerite Earrings (Oval 10x8mm Gemstones)
Your Price: Starting at $72.00
Healerite Earrings (Oval 10x8mm Gemstones)
Healerite Earrings (Round 6mm Gemstones)
Your Price: Starting at $52.00
Healerite Earrings (Round  6mm Gemstones)
Healerite Earrings (Round 8mm Gemstones)
Your Price: Starting at $66.00
Healerite Earrings (Round  8mm Gemstones)
Healerite Earrings (Round 10mm Gemstones)
Your Price: Starting at $88.00
Healerite Earrings (Round 10mm Gemstones)
Healerite Moon Earrings (Round 6mm Gemstones)
Your Price: Starting at $106.00
Healerite Moon Earrings (Round 6mm Gemstones)
Healerite Moon Pendant (Round 6mm Gemstone)
Your Price: Starting at $46.00
Healerite Moon Pendant (Round 6mm Gemstone)
Healerite Pendant (10x8mm Oval Cabochon)
Your Price: Starting at $64.00
Healerite Pendant (10x8mm Oval Cabochon)
Healerite Pendant (18x13mm Oval Cabochon)
Your Price: Starting at $122.00
Healerite Pendant (18x13mm Oval Cabochon)
Healerite Pendant (30mm Round Cabochon)
Your Price: Starting at $208.00
Healerite Pendant (30mm Round Cabochon)
Healerite Pendant (35mm Petal) with Azeztulite
Your Price: Starting at $246.00
Healerite Pendant (35mm Petal) with Azeztulite
Healerite Pendant (35mm Petal) with Danburite
Your Price: Starting at $188.00
Healerite Pendant (35mm Petal) with Danburite
Healerite Pendant (Chalice Well) with Azeztulite
Your Price: Starting at $298.00
Healerite Pendant (Chalice Well) with Azeztulite
Healerite Pendant (Chalice Well) with Moldavite
Your Price: Starting at $298.00
Healerite Pendant (Chalice Well) with Moldavite
Healerite Pendant (Goddess with 10mm Gemstone)
Your Price: Starting at $112.00
Healerite Pendant (Goddess with 10mm Gemstone)
Healerite Pendant (Goddess with 6mm Gemstone)
Your Price: Starting at $60.00
Healerite Pendant (Goddess with 6mm Gemstone)
Healerite Pendant (Multi-Stone) 30mm Tall
Your Price: Starting at $90.00
Healerite Pendant (Multi-Stone) 30mm Tall
Healerite Pendant (Multi-Stone) 38mm Tall
Your Price: Starting at $180.00
Healerite Pendant (Multi-Stone) 38mm Tall
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