Bath Stones: Love, Light, Healing & Protection™
Item Number: 4905
LOVE, LIGHT, HEALING & PROTECTION™ Bath Stones Pictured is an example, (Each bag contains approximatly 1.5 lbs of natural stones) These bags contain: White Azeztulite* Guardianite* Healerite Rosophia
*Azozeo Super-Activated Stone!
“This group of stones works on every level, emanating currents of protection, purification, cleansing and healing, as well as spiritual energies for higher awareness, evolutionary transformation and a heart-centered connection to the Soul of the World. I heartily recommend this set of stones for those who are looking to engage in any level of self-healing, consciousness expansion and/or attunement to the Light.” —Robert Simmons.
NOTE: Although our Bath Stones are put together with our best stone combinations and a fully positive intention, the effects of stone energies vary from person to person, are not scientifically validated, and we cannot promise any specific results.
Your Price: Starting at $200.00
List Price: $400.00
Your Price: $320.00
You Save: $80.00 (20 %)
Azozeo Super-Activated Azeztulite