Home > Books, CDs & DVDs > Robert Simmons & Naisha Ashian: "The Book of Stones" NEW Revised & Expanded Edition
Robert Simmons & Naisha Ashian: "The Book of Stones" NEW Revised & Expanded Edition
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NEW Revised & Expanded Edition of The Book of Stones: Who They Are and What They Teach with 76 New Stones!
By Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian
with Contributions by Hazel Raven
Paperback / 7" x 10.875" / 592 Pages
Winner of the COVR Book Award in the Spirituality & New Science Category!
The Book of Stones is the newest, most in-depth, definitive guide to the world of crystals, minerals, gemstones and their metaphysical properties.
Encompassing over 375 separate entries, each with vivid color photographs and essays by both authors, this book takes the reader deep into the world of stones and how we can use them for spiritual awakening and healing. The large 7” by 10 7/8” format makes the book inviting and easy to read.
The Book of Stones can teach you about each mineral’s scientific properties, history and lore, elemental energies, chakra correspondences, and which stones work best together.
Praise for The Book of Stones:
“The Book of Stones is filled with information and with beauty.” ––Melody, author of the Love is in the Earth book series.
“The classification of each stone is impeccable, along with wonderful photos––a welcome addition to the world of stones.” ––JaneAnn Dow, author of Crystal Journey
“Quite easily the most comprehensively written and beautifully photographed book on the subject that I’ve come across. If you own only one reference book on stones and crystals, make sure this gem is the one.” ––Dr. Eric Pearle, author of the international bestseller The Reconnection
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